
Rotaract Club


Rotaract Club

Rotaract is a programme of Rotary International. Rotaract club is an international service club for young people who are dedicated to find innovative solutions to the world’s most pressing challenges and develop leadership skills. It focusses on idea of service ranging from local community – based projects to major global initiatives.

Rotary club south zone Kottayam formulated a new unit of Rotaract club in Little Lourdes College of Nursing on 13/06/2023. Rotaract charter presentation done in our college on 03/12/2023 by Dr. G Sumithran, District Governor, rotary club. Various programmes conduct under the banner of Rotaract in this college.


  • To provide an opportunity for young men and women to enhance knowledge and skill in personal development.
  • To address physical and social needs of their communities.
  • To promote better relations between all people worldwide