Institutional Ethics Committee


Institutional Ethics Committee

Ethics is the most significant element of the academic activities in teaching and research. Teaching and research forms a novel combination of knowledge transfer which needs freedom to express the knowledge. Freedom in the academic process to express the knowledge and invention in the most ethical way. It include the freedom to inquire for innovation of new things in subject that encourage intellectual concern, to present findings, to publish data and conclusions without control or censorship and to teach in the manner they consider professionally appropriate. This requires integrity with the teaching and research.


  • To create academic awareness about responsible conduct of research, study, project work, assignment, thesis, dissertation, promotion of academic integrity- and prevention of misconduct including plagiarism in academic writing among students, researchers, faculty- and other members of academic staff as well as any employee of institution.
  • To establish institutional mechanism through education and training to facilitate responsible conduct of research, study, project work, assignment, thesis, dissertation, promotion of academic integrity and deterrence from plagiarism.
  • To develop systems to detect plagiarism and to set up mechanisms to prevent plagiarism and punish a student, faculty, or staff of institution committing the act of plagiarism.