Research Policy

Research Policy


By promoting and upholding the fundamentals of nursing research, the Mar Baselios College of Nursing is dedicated to providing high-quality nursing research and developing an environment that is conducive to research. The institute works to promote research that addresses the scientific challenges facing nursing today and in the future in order to achieve excellence in education. A number of qualities are necessary to achieve the long-term excellence in research that it wants to, including originality, rigor, curiosity, tenacity, honesty, transparency, responsibility, and the capacity for effective communication and teamwork. Therefore, to preserve the legitimacy and reputation of institutional research as well as the reputation of individual researchers, intelligence and integrity must coexist. The academic members of the institute are encouraged to engage in research, publish their findings, and discuss their findings at national and international conferences. If necessary, they can collaborate with other universities in the country or abroad to produce new ideas in emergingfields. Therefore, maintaining the institute's and the university's overall excellent reputation is the duty of all employees and students. As such, it is anticipated that they will carry out their study with honesty and in accordance with the institute's established ethical criteria. By gathering, examining, and constructing the knowledge-based society, this policy seeks to promote and fund research for social transformation through dynamic education.

Scope/Applicability of the Policy

This Research Policy Guidelines will be applicable to all faculty members, staff and students involved in any form of research activity in Mar Baselios College of Nursing.


The purpose of the Nursing Research Policy is to provide standards and protocols for research at the Mar Baselios Nursing College. This policy guarantees that research carried out by academic staff and students complies with ethical guidelines, supports the use of evidence, and advances nursing knowledge and practice.


  • To create a facilitating environment within this institution in order to foster a research culture as well as provide require support through research framework and guidelines.
  • To ensure high level of efficient and effective support system to facilitate faculty researchers in their research activities..
  • To nurture an environment of undertaking socially useful research with potential for commercialization.
  • To foster interdisciplinary collaborations and partnerships nationally and globally.
  • To enhance education systems ability to continuously improve through better and more widespread use of data, research and evaluation, evidence, transparency, innovation and technology.


  1. Ethical Conduct
  • The standards of ethical behaviour established in pertinent institutional, national, and international guidelines and must be followed in all research undertaken within the Nursing College.
  • Before beginning any research involving human participants, researchers must acquire approval from the Institutional Scientific Research Committee and Institutional Ethical Committee.
  1. Research Approval Process:
  • Prior to initiating research activities, researchers must submit a research proposal outlining the objectives, methodology, potential risks, and benefits of the study to the Research Committee for review and approval.
  • The Research Committee will assess the scientific merit, feasibility, and ethical implications of the proposed research before granting approval.
  1. Informed Consent:
  • Researchers must obtain informed consent from all participants involved in research studies. Informed consent should be voluntary, comprehensible, and obtained prior to the commencement of any research-related activities.
  1. Confidentiality and Data Security
  • The security and confidentiality of study data that participants provide must be guaranteed by researchers. Only individuals with permission should be able to access and securely store identifiable information.
  • In addition to pertinent data protection legislation, institutional policies and procedures must be followed during the collecting, storage, and transmission of data.
  1. Publication and Dissemination:
  • Researchers are encouraged to disseminate the findings of their research through publication in peer-reviewed journals, presentations at conferences, and other appropriate channels.
  • All publications and presentations must include the correct crediting and recognition of funding sources and collaborator efforts.
  1. Collaborative Research
  • Clear roles, responsibilities, and channels for communication and decision-making should be established in collaborative research involving several investigators or institutions.
    Before collaborative research initiatives begin, agreements should be created about publication policy, data sharing, and intellectual property rights.
  1. Research Integrity:
  • Researchers must uphold the highest standards of research integrity, including honesty, objectivity, and transparency in all aspects of their research activities.
  • Any instances of research misconduct, including plagiarism, falsification, or fabrication of data, will be thoroughly investigated and addressed according to institutional policies and procedures.
  1. Resources and Support:
  • The Nursing College will provide resources, support, and training opportunities to facilitate the conduct of high-quality research by faculty and students.
  • Researchers are encouraged to seek guidance and support from the Research Committee, research mentors, and other relevant stakeholders throughout the research process.



To guarantee adherence to this policy, training sessions on research ethics and best practices will be held on a regular basis and made available to all teachers, students, and staff at the Nursing College.

Review & Revision

The Research Committee will periodically assess this policy to make sure it is still applicable and effective. The relevant Nursing College governing bodies must propose and approve any necessary adjustments.

Guidelines for Submitting Protocol

All research involving human participants should be conducted in accordance with the basic and general ethical principles. The researcher and the team are responsible for protecting the dignity, rights, safety and well-being of the participants enrolled in the study. Registration policy for IEC It is ensured that EC processes are in place to safeguard the quality of ethical review as well as compliance with national/international and applicable regulations. Efforts are made to seek recognition/certification/accreditation from recognized national/international bodies and kept updated on a continuing basis.


Custodian of Policy

Custodian of Policy Principal, Mar Baselios college of Nursing reviews the recommendations discussed in the SRC & IEC and updates the research policy. The Principal Mar Baselios college of Nursing will be the custodian of the research policy.

Undertaking Research

Faculty members and UG students of Mar Baselios college of Nursing can undertake research activities leading to scientific publications, presentations in National/International conferences, generation of Intellectual property with potential for commercialization, which is beneficial for the society. Research Management Overall management of research activities will be coordinated by the Principal Mar Baselios college of Nursing. IEC and SRC committees shall be responsible for the overall functioning of research activities .Each department's research activities are coordinated by the head of each department.

Code of Ethics for Research

  • All students pursuing research in the college are expected to maintain high standards of integrity, honesty and professionalism in respect of all the work undertaken by them.
  • An ethics committee has been constituted and a Standard Operating Procedures (SOP)is adopted for monitoring research activities of the college.
  • Since the college is affiliated to KUHS, the college follows the regulations of the University regarding plagiarism and malpractice in research.
  • Whenever a paper is to be published in peer reviewed journals, the journal will normally have a committee to check the originality in the content.
  • An ethics committee has been constituted and a standard operating procedures (SOP) is adopted for monitoring research activities of the college.

Ethical Guidelines

All research involving human participants should be conducted in accordance with the basic and general ethical principles. The researcher and the team are responsible for protecting the dignity, rights, safety and well-being of the participants enrolled in the study. Registration policy for IEC It is ensured that EC processes are in place to safeguard the quality of ethical review as well as compliance with national/international and applicable regulations. Efforts are made to seek recognition/certification/accreditation from recognized national/international bodies and kept updated on a continuing basis.

Misconduct in Research

The following practices will be considered as research misconduct since they violate the principles and practices of research. Such offences are serious and subject to strict disciplinary action.

  • Data fabrication,
  • Research falsification
  • Plagiarism , abuse of confidentiality
  • Dishonesty in publication,
  • Misuse of research funds, etc.

Research misconduct does not include honest error or honest differences in interpretations or judgments of data
