Mental Health Club

Mar Baselios College of Nursing

Mental Health Club

“Even the darkest night will end and the sun will rise again”. –Sir Victor Hugo Mental health is more than the absence of mental disorders. It is a state of mental wellbeing that enables people to cope with the stresses of life, realize their abilities, learn well and work well and contribute to their community. Research shows that good mental health is linked to improved learning, creativity, higher levels of productivity better social relationship, good physical health and increased life expectancy.


Studies have often shown a direct and bilateral relationship between one’s lifestyle and mental health.  The leading factors include unhealthy eating habits, lack of physical activity.   Overuse of technology and substance abuse.  This can be dealt by being physically and socially active, eating healthy, ensuring proper sleep and by practising yoga and meditation.


The mental health of students can affect their education, social life and emotional wellbeing.  Students who prioritise their mental health are less likely to develop mental health disorders such as anxiety.

Depression and Substance abuse

Mental health in the workplace refers to employee’s physiological, emotional and social wellbeing within a shared work environment.  A college /school should prioritize and wellbeing of its teachers and college/school staff.  This helps to generate more positive energy for college/school, its students and their families.

UNICEF has provided 10 tips on how teachers and school staff can take care of their mental health.  These tips include;

  • Set time aside to unwind
  • Plan ahead
  • Set boundaries
  • Focus on health and hygiene
  • Adjust new skills and appreciate the ones that are already there
  • Stay socially connected.
  • Be kind to oneself and others
  • Exercise and stay fit
  • Seek mental health support if required

In this context, to ensure the mental well-being of students, teaching and non-teaching staff, Mar       Baselios College of Nursing has taken initial steps to establish a mental health hub in the college compound is named as sound mind, sound body
