Mar Baselios College of Nursing



To develop quality culture in the institution by promoting innovation advocating inclusion and catalysing the holistic growth of its primary shake holders


  • The IQAC of the college constituted to achieve the following objectives.
  • To develop and progress a heightened level of clarity and focus in institutional functioning towards creation, substances and enhancement of quality and facilitate internalization of the quality’s culture permeating every sphere of the institution
  • To facilitate the integration of various activities of the institutions and institutionize best practises. .
  • To provide a sound basis for decision making imbibing all the dimensions of service quality to improve institutional functioning
  • To improve and co-ordinate internal communication facilities greater policy implementation and quality assurance towards its stake holders


  • Facilitating the creation of a learner-centric environment conductive for quality education and faculty maturation to adopt the required knowledge and technology participating teaching and learning activities.
  • Arrangement for feedback responses from students, parents and shake holders on quality related institutional process.
  • Development of quality culture in the college.
The quorum shall be of 2/3rd of the total.
Frequency of meeting
Once in three month and as need arises

Composition of Internal Quality Assurance

Chairperson – Principal
IQAC – Co-ordinator
Teaching Faculty
P.T.A representative
Alumni Representative
Student Representative
